
I'm a full stack web dev / generalist. I have used the below technologies. Please contact me for more info, or visit my Linkedin for my development experience. I love building stuff and applying my dev skills to music. Please talk to me about your music startup.

Proficient in

ES6/ES2018, Node.js, Express.js, Angular.js, React.js, JSX, Redux, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Hive / Hadoop, RabbitMQ, Python, HTML, CSS, Sequelize, Mongoose, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Bootstrap


Work Experience

Node.js, Express.js, Vue.js, MongoDB / Mongoose, Redis, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Postgres, Angular.js 1, Python, AWS S3 / EC2 / Lambda, nginx


GraphQL / Hasura, PyTorch, GLOVE (Stanford NLP), MaterialUI, bull.js